Christ's Liturgy: Vehicle for the Holy Word and Sacraments

Sunday: Divine Service 9a; Bible Class and Children's Catechesis
Tuesday: Matins 9a; Bible Class
Wednesday: Vespers 630p; Meal,Book of Concord
Thursday: Matins 9a
Campus Bible Studies for LCMS-U Indy: Contact Church Office for Current Day/Time
Private Confession and Absolution is also available to members and catechumens by appointment with Pastor Mierow. The Pastor is bound by his ordination oath to keep all sins confessed confidential. They will never be revealed in any form to anyone.
Pastor will gladly visit the sick and distressed in the hospital, nursing home, or the homes of the homebound to read the Scriptures, pray, and (where appropriate) give the Holy Eucharist. Priority is given to members and catechumens. Please contact the church office to request a pastoral visit.
Tuesday: Matins 9a; Bible Class
Wednesday: Vespers 630p; Meal,Book of Concord
Thursday: Matins 9a
Campus Bible Studies for LCMS-U Indy: Contact Church Office for Current Day/Time
Private Confession and Absolution is also available to members and catechumens by appointment with Pastor Mierow. The Pastor is bound by his ordination oath to keep all sins confessed confidential. They will never be revealed in any form to anyone.
Pastor will gladly visit the sick and distressed in the hospital, nursing home, or the homes of the homebound to read the Scriptures, pray, and (where appropriate) give the Holy Eucharist. Priority is given to members and catechumens. Please contact the church office to request a pastoral visit.
Campus Outreach: Strengthen and Preserve Faith

St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church is an LCMSU Chapter offering pastoral care for Lutheran students and missionary outreach to all at Butler University and IUPUI. For more information about LCMSU check out the LCMSU page. For more information or to find out about upcoming events, including weekly Bible Study on campus, email Pastor Mierow.